Saturday, 22 April 2017

Shoot Two Straight Images

In this shoot I have photographed the worker performing the other main tasks that I have not covered before involved in caring for the dogs at the centre in, these are

·         Changing the bedding

·         Cleaning dog beds

·         Reception duties

·         More details of the food preparation

·         Feeding of the donkeys

I have captured images showing work at the reception desk with the computers, printers, telephones and debit/credit card readers on display.

Also in the reception area I took images of workers using technical equipment like the tag engraver.

For the cleaning tasks I have captured images showing dirty bedding being removed from the kennels as well as clean bedding being put back into the dogs baskets.
I  have taken images showing the plastic dog beds being scrubbed clean

As well as the watering can being filled up to replenish the water bowls.

I captured the donkeys and sheep being fed bread in their field as a treat by a worker
As well as the worker outside the runs at the back of the kennels going about her work.

I additionally spent some time changing a few aspects of some previous images I took showing the scrubbing of a corridor and the feeding of the dogs through the hatch in order to try to improve them.

I also took a portrait image of Corzos who has just arrived from Spain and who is a very gentle dog but looks a bit bewildered by his new surroundings. 

I selected three of the images to adapt in Photoshop.

In this image where Puzzle is sitting on the desk top, as if she is the receptionist, I wanted to liven up the image to make it more memorable to anyone seeing it. I felt the original image had a very relaxed and comfortable feel to it, so would not be remembered that well. In Photoshop I used a hue giving it a purple and green look, then posterised the background with 17% opacity for subtlety. The image now has a more fantasy feel about it with the striking purple markings on the cat. This makes her more dramatic and eye catching. Its as if she is different from ordinary cats and when I look at the image I almost feel that if she spoke to me just like a person does greeting me at the reception desk I would not be surprised.

In this image I did not like the orange colour on the floor which comes from the reflection from the bucket. I felt it made the floor look dirty and stained. In Photo shop I increased the brightness and contrast of the watering can and the hose pipe. Then used selective colour in the background to lessen the orange and yellow. This has generally made the background less colourful and more dull. When I look at the image now my eye is not drawn to the dirty orangey patch on the floor and this allows me to focus on what the image is showing me, the task of filling watering cans needed to replenish the water in the dogs water bowls.

In this image I wanted to incorporate a colour into the tree and ladder so that they would frame the subject more. I therefore in Photo shop used two layers of hue. One for just in between the tree and ladder where I used pink/purple, and then I selected a different hue of green/yellow for including the ladder and tree. When I look at the image now the purple colour of the tree and ladder makes them more prominent in the image so that they stand out more. Then however as you look at the image the purple colour makes their framing ability much more obvious. This draws the viewer's eye through the shape between the tree and the ladder and focuses attention on the worker much more effectively than before. 

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